Monday, November 25, 2013

8 months!

Waaaaaaaaiiiit, is this the same blog?  It's got a different name!  What happened!?  Simply, I've had a shift in mindset.  I still wholeheartedly agree that we should all make the best of what's around us.  However, I'm now living in what I consider to be One Sweet World, and felt a change of blog title was in order.  I'm still following theme, as my DMB friends will note :)

Moving along, can someone please tell Time to slow down?  My little man is growing up way too fast for my liking   :(

Yes, we are now at 8 months old for Dean.  He doesn't have another checkup until January, but will go in for another round of blood work the beginning of December.  

Dean is now up to eating yellow squash, zucchini, sweet potato, avocado, bananas, and pears.  Did I mention before he doesn't like peas?  Well, he is not a fan of peas.  If peas were a Facebook page, Dean would not "Like" it.  I felt that we had to do a food restart after the peas fiasco, so now he's back to enjoying food.  Before, when he'd see the spoon coming, he'd throw such a fit!  Then he tasted and realized it wasn't peas, and everything was as it should be, lol!  After this round of yellow squash, we'll go to cantaloupe and then broccoli, two new foods!  I'm excited, could you tell? ;-)  We started adding his salt to his food instead of his milk.  Partly so that when he's older he won't request salt to go with his ice cream ;-)  Just kidding.  Our hope is that once he's eating normally that the natural salt found in food will be enough or close to enough of what he needs to supplement his need.  We shall see!

He's also getting the hang of his sippy cup, and seems to be enjoying it quite nicely

Good thing he's liking food again, as he's working on Tooth #4!  He's had the bottom front 2 for a while.  Now he's getting the 2 on top.  Over the past couple of weeks, Dean has also picked up on waving.  Sometimes it's on cue, others, well, he just wants to wave, lol!  You'll see what I mean.

Dean's starting the gradual move from trench crawling to regular crawling!  He can now go a few paces before dropping back to the belly and trenching the rest of the way.  I suppose because it's faster.  He's getting it!

Oh, Dean had his first Halloween!  He was the cutest elephant I've ever seen:

Just melts my heart!

I'm so excited to be celebrating Dean's first Thanksgiving this year.  You can count on it that many pictures will be taken!  Until then, here's his 8 month picture with his super-fast waving hand!

May you and your families have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Months 6 and 7

I've been a baaaaaaadddd blogger...

Remember how I said before that September was going to be a great month?  Well, it was.  But I'm glad it's over :)  We sold the condo.  We bought a house.  We were nomads for nearly 3 weeks.  We got the keys and moved in.  We love our new house :D  To Nick, JaVonte', Elvin, Ryan, and Alison for help in loading/unloading the POD, we cannot thank you enough!  Thanks also to our parents for giving us shelter during the sit-and-wait-to-close process.

Once we had the keys to our new home, we began the painting process, beginning with Dean's room (seriously, like 2 hours after closing).  Now, thanks to my lovely sister-in-law Krista, the living room is now painted!  We'll tackle the kitchen, extra rooms, and our room next year.  Sometime.  Maybe.  :)

Travel this year for work wasn't nearly as extensive as it's been in the past.  Thanks to my co-workers for letting me "have it easy" so I can be at home more with the kid.  I do have a couple conferences coming up that will take me out (and one I just did a couple weeks ago) for a few days.  At least conferences are fun :D

So, that's what we've been doing, and why I took an impromptu break from blogging.  

Dean is doing awesome.  During the time I wasn't blogging, we got the results back from his pediatric endocrinologist appointment.  All levels looked great, except for his salt.  It was a little low.  Leading up to that appointment my husband and I made the decision to use table salt instead of purchasing the sodium chloride.  That's right, we were spending around $25 a month in salt-water.  :P  We got over that.  It took us some skill (neither of us are a math whiz) to find the physical amount that equaled the liquid.  We told the endocrinologist that when we met with him, about our conversion to table salt.  He was fine with it, and when he told me Dean's salt was a little low, he advised to sprinkle a little extra salt into the milk.  Dean will get blood work done again in December, and will go back to see ped endo in March when he's a year old.

Last time I wrote, we had just started Dean on rice cereal.  He loved it so much we moved on to oatmeal cereal.  He loved that even more!  Now we're on to baby food!  Started with avocado, and he was not a fan, lol!  It may have been the texture, because he'd eat it when I'd mix in some oatmeal cereal.  We just finished a round of sweet potato, which he loved!  As soon as we'd set him down in the high chair, his mouth would open wide, lol!

We did manage to take a 6 month picture...although it's closer to when he was 6.5 months.  But who's counting!?!

Still a happy, smiling baby!  And see the color of his room?  Love having color in our new house. 

I did manage to get his 7 month picture right on the date!
Momma's sweet boy!

Within the past couple of weeks, Dean has started the "army crawl," and can get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth.  This weekend will be "baby-proofing" weekend, as we know the day is upon us that he'll be crawling and getting into whatever he can find.

So that's the latest.  I'm sure there have been other things I've left out, but just not coming to immediate mind.  The biggest, other than the move, is his inevitable crawling.  We're gonna have a mover on our hands.  Get ready!

Until next time!

Monday, September 2, 2013

The 5 month update!

Yes...I know I'm late...again...on posting the latest goings-on.  I have great excuses, I promise! :) (and I have more pictures to make up for it)

First, it's been crazy at work.  Everyone gets crazy with work, I get that.  This time of year for us is especially crazy.  We've got all these students wanting to come in at the last minute, so we're working on acceptances, moving students in to the residence halls, etc.  Plus we started recruitment for 2014, so that's been a lot of fun getting back in to doing :)  

Also, we finally SOLD THE CONDO!!!  Yes, nearly a year and a half went into it, and it's finally sold.  Within a span of a week we not only got the condo sold, but we purchased a house as well.  So it's been a cleaning/packing frenzy on top of everything at work.  Yet we are so thankful to have sold the condo and for our new home.  September's gonna be a great month! :)

To the update on Dean!

He is now 5 (and a half) months old!

 How precious!

As far as how his meds are, everything is still going great.  His levels the last time we had his blood work done were well within normal ranges.

Some milestones this month: we've started eating rice cereal!  At first he did not like it, not one little bit, lol!  So we kept at it, and he's gotten now to where he attacks the spoon as soon as it's within range!  Now our feedings look something like this:

It's nice that he's eating rice cereal too, as it's easier to give him his meds that way.  

He's rolling from back to tummy, and sometimes he'll get from tummy to back.  Still doesn't like being on his tummy.  While he does sleep through the night, he'll wake to find himself on his tummy and he'll cry until one of us comes in to roll him back.  Then he's right back to sleep!

Dean was also baptized this month!
With Michael Lester, who performed the baptism

There's our little family!

It was a wonderful occasion, as my family and John's family were all there, plus some of our closest friends.  Thank you again to everyone who was able to make it!

Dean's also gotten to where he reaches out to grab, whether it's a toy, or hair, or Gizmo.  :)  He's been keeping Gizmo on his toes, that's for sure!  Although Gizzie seems to be enjoying it.  He lets Dean reach out and "pet" him, but it's wearing him out:

Tired puppy :)

Dean is sitting up assisted, and can last a few seconds unassisted.  He's doing better at pushing himself up using his arms, so I'm sure we'll be crawling before too much longer.  Teething has started, so he's gnawing on everything he can get to his mouth.  He's also "talking" a lot more, which I swear makes complete sense to him.  So we encourage the babbling by repeating what he's just told us.  He seems to enjoy it. :)

Overall, he's a happy, healthy, smiling little man!

Exciting things coming for us this month, so I'm sure the next update will have more tidbits.  Until then!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

4 Months!

Hi All!

Yep, behind just a couple of days again, and that's ok.  :)

Dean had his blood work done earlier this month,  We were a bit anxious; this was the longest time in between visits for blood work that we've experienced.  Having gone a full month, I personally was nervous and anxious to know how he was doing.  

As soon as he saw the nurse come into the area with the blood work caddy, he started crying.  They tried to take his blood with John holding him, but Dean was having none of it!  It wasn't his normal nurse, so we explained we usually take him into an actual room and lay him on the table.  That worked out better, but Dean was still mad.  I suppose he thought, as long in between visits we had, that he didn't have to have it done anymore.  Poor thing :(  He was still a trooper, and they were able to get his blood on the second try.

We got his results later that evening.  While he was still in normal ranges for all his electrolytes, some areas were lower than the time before while others were higher.  Dean's pediatrician explained everything, and informed us that these numbers may not hold cause for alarm from Dean's ped endo.  He was right.  The next week we got a call from Dean's ped endo nurse saying everything looked ok.  I asked about his lower glucose level, but she couldn't explain anything, just restated that the ped endo said everything looked ok.  I'm so thankful for Dean's pediatrician who, along with me, also monitors all the numbers.  

Aside from his levels being in normal range, Dean is continuing to develop quite nicely!  He's able to roll onto his side (from his back) while on the floor, and is working diligently to finish rolling onto his stomach.  He did it once in his crib: He screamed during his morning nap and when I went in to check on him, he was flipped on his stomach!  He gets mad being on his stomach (which makes tummy time a chore), lol!  He's also grabbing at objects and sticking them in his mouth, and he loves playing with his baby rings and playmat.  I feel like he smiles constantly, which is understandable coming from such a happy baby!  He loves to coo and "talk," to which we have endless entertainment together.  :)

Noticed in my last couple of posts I haven't given much an update about me.  Which is understandable; I've had the baby, my time in the spotlight is up ;-) Overall, I feel wonderful!  When I went in for my 8-week post-baby checkup, I was only 2 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight.  Awesome, right!?  Well, that very same number looks and feels different post-pregnancy, lol!  I'm slowly getting back into my exercise routine.  I've started on Saturdays to at at least walk 2 miles, and run for half.  My next goal is to get back into Zumba, which always gives a great cardio workout!  Once I get back into a Zumba routine, my next goal is to run a 5k this Fall.  There's a 5k thisclose to my house in September, it's the Color Run, and I really really really really really really REEEEEALLY want to run it!  But, we have a wedding to go to that day, and I just don't feel I'll be in the shape I want to be by then.  There are plenty of 5k's this Fall, and I'm sure I can do at least one of them.

Now, what you've all waited for, the 4 month pic!

I mean, my gracious, how can you look at this picture and NOT smile!?  John and I have so much fun taking him out with us.  Gizmo has a blast with him too.  It'll be fun once Dean's walking around to watch the two of them play together.

Oh, Gizmo.  He's apparently suffering from a little separation anxiety.  I feel part of it is from where I was home on leave, and he got used to me being there.  And the other, I feel he's feeling separated from Dean.  He's always around Dean when we're all at home.  But when I leave to take Dean to parents', Gizmo has to go to his crate.  About a month ago, Gizmo broke out of his crate.  We tried to fix it, tried blocking him from getting out, etc.  But nothing worked.  I read where dogs do then when they feel separation anxiety.  That, and we've also had a lot of storms, and he's terrified of storms.  This past weekend we bought him another crate and a toy for us to put treats and peanut butter in so he can keep himself busy.  We'll see how this works.

Oh, I do have to tell you a cute story!  John, Dean, and I went over to Nick and April's the other night for dinner.  They have a little boy, Eli, who will be 2 in about 3 months (oh, wow!!), and is just the cutest thing!  Anyway, Dean was getting fussy because he was both hungry and tired.  While Nick was holding him, Eli went up to Dean, patted Dean's leg and head, and put Dean's paci in his mouth while saying, in his compassionate little boy voice, "Paci!"  It was so sweet!  Dean took his paci and calmed for a little bit.  Eli was probably like, "hey cousin, I know what you're going through, been there myself, and this'll make it better."  And it did.  :D

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

3 month update!

It’s been an exciting 3 months for our little man :)  Here's a quick update since the last post:

We took our first family trip last month to Charleston, SC.  I was pretty nervous about taking the trip.  When we first decided to go, Dean was still in Children’s Hospital.  Since it was his second hospital stay (at only 2-3 weeks old), we just wanted to get out of the area for a bit and bond together as a family.  Away from doctors, away from hospitals, just the three of us.  And what better place (within driving distance) than Charleston!  As I said, I was a bit nervous.  I was still getting used to pumping and having a new baby.  I hadn't packed a bag for Dean before (other than his diaper bag), so I definitely over-packed.   All those concerns, for nothing.  We had a fantastic time!  We got to take Dean to all the places John and I visit every time we go, including the very spot John proposed to me:

We went over to Shem Creek and walked/strolled along the water.   Even saw a dolphin!  Dean didn’t understand why we were so excited about the dolphin :)  In all, we were there for 2 full days.  And I’m really, really glad we went.  I was more relaxed that I thought I would be, and it set the tone for what I know will be plenty more fun-filled family vacations.

A couple of weeks after we got home, Dean had his follow-up appointment with his pediatric endocrinologist (ped endo) in Knoxville.  They took more blood to test his electrolyte levels, checked him over to make sure he was developing correctly (he is), and talked with us more about the CAH.  It seems like every day John and I learn something new.  The nurse also took Dean’s blood pressure while we were there, since he hadn’t had it checked since he left Children’s Hospital.  She took it 4 times, and each time it was high.  When she left to get the doctor, John told me that a sign of incorrect medicine dosage is high blood pressure.  So when the doctor came back in, he decided to reduce his hormone medication, and asked us to have blood work done when we went in for Dean’s well visit the next week.

So, we went in the next week for Dean’s 2-month well visit (we’re off by a week or 2 because of the hospital stays).  So proud of Dean for doing so well!  Even took his immunizations like a champ.  It was funny to me, because I was there with him when his nurse administered the shots, holding his hand.  He cried a little, but not much.  After the shots were over was when I had a realization.  I thought back to what my friends have said about taking their children in for shots “Oh, it was worse for me than it was for them” and “My poor baby just had their shots!”  I looked at my mom (John had to work, and I asked her to come in case I needed moral support), told her what I had just thought, and asked jokingly if I needed to be more upset, lol!  I suppose I'm a bit desensitized from where he had the IV's in the hospital and had to have his blood drawn every week.  Shots are nothing to Dean :)  Anyway, they took blood (again) to test his electrolyte levels as the ped endo had asked, since they reduced one of the dosages.  The pediatrician called that afternoon to let us know everything looked normal!   Everything else that the ped endo looked for in the blood work also came back within normal levels.  So happy for all the excellent news!

As of his well visit, Dean is 13lbs even and 24.5in long.  We have a happy, healthy baby on our hands!

One of these days I'll get more pictures up on facebook.  I'll make that my goal to reach before the next update.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2 months...already!?!

So, Dean turned 2 months old yesterday.  I can't believe how fast these last 2 months have gone!  Sure, the first 2-3 weeks dragged, but since Dean has been out of the hospital and doing so much better, the days are just flying by. 

I had my first Mother's Day this year :)  That was pretty cool.  We received a gift certificate for a family photo session (thank you again Jen and Stephanie!), so that's what we did!  And it was so much fun!  I'm looking forward to seeing all the pictures once they're done (Sweet Snaps by Tara, she's on FB!)

I’m amazed at how much he seems to grow each day (John’s made that observation and few times too).  I love getting up in the morning and seeing my precious little baby boy.  And now that I’m back at work, seeing his happy, smiling face when I pick him up from my parents' just makes my day.  :D

It’s not just Dean’s growth that has amazed me these last few weeks.  Just 2 months ago I became a mom.  Think about that.  Yeah, I know.  And I must say, as much as I love and adore my own mother, I have a greater appreciation for her now than I ever did.  And I realized this new-found appreciation the night we took Dean to the emergency room at the Children’s Hospital.

I'll always remember that night: He had only been home a week when we got the call we had to take Dean to Knoxville.  It was the quickest I believe I had ever packed.  I knew I would be staying down there with Dean, but I didn't know for how long.  John was going home after so he could finish out the work week.  I don’t remember the drive there at all, just that we needed to get there ASAP so Dean could get care.  As soon as we walked into the emergency room, Dean was taken to a room.  And a swarm of doctors and nurses (there had to be at least 10) came in to the room to get Dean all set up.  I had never been so scared in my life.  People are simultaneously taking blood from him and trying to get IVs in him.  I was standing as close as I could to him when a nurse told me I could take and hold his hands.  So there I stood, holding his precious little hands in mine as he’s screaming and crying.  I knew he was in pain, and that he was so scared.  John did his best to keep my face clean from all the tears I couldn't hold back.  That was really the moment I knew I had become a mom.

I remember, as a kid, getting hurt and my mom wanting to make it better.  She would say “I wish I could take the pain away,” or “I wish it was me instead of you.”  I just thought she was trying to make me feel better.  But looking down at Dean, face red and wet with tears, I wanted more than anything for it to be me instead of him.  I wanted to take the pain away and hold him, assuring that he was alright.  I wanted to endure that for him.  And it hurt my heart to no end.  That was when I thought back to all those times mom said those things, and I knew, with all my heart, she sincerely meant every word.

As I said, since that night Dean has gotten so much better.  He's such a cute little kid, if I do say so myself ;-)  In the words of the great LeVar Burton: "You don't have to take my word for it:"

Look at that handsome little man!  I'm such a happy and proud momma to have such an awesome and incredible baby :D

Dean's been pretty busy in his first couple months.  I'll touch on his adventures in a later blog.

Thanks for letting me share my heart.  I know what we went though with Dean is nothing compared to what other families have to endure.  It still wasn't an easy situation for us, and my heart goes out to those families.  I'm so grateful for my healthy baby boy.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

One month later…

Oh my gracious, can you believe a month has gone by?!? 

Just look at my sweet boy :)

Better get used to this pictures, kid ;)

Well, it’s been about six weeks since I last updated this blog.  Last time I checked in was at Week 40 in my pregnancy with Dean.  We (Dean and I) actually went into Week 41 of pregnancy.  I thought about doing a Week 41 update…but it would have sounded something like this:

“Yes, I’m still pregnant, and I don’t think he’s ever coming out!!!  Leave me alone!!!”

You get the idea.

I’d like to use this entry to discuss what’s transpired in the last few weeks.  If you don’t want to hear “the birth story,” then the beginning of this entry is not for you (don't worry, I'm not going to get graphic or anything).  I do encourage you then to skip down to once Dean is born, so you’ll be caught up on him (that is, if you want to). 

Let’s get started: my team and I (team being my doula Ellen and my husband John) did everything we could think of to get labor moving.  Everything short of castor oil (even I have my limits).  I didn’t want an induction.  Truth be told, I was a bit scared of it.  Even its name sounded ominous to me: induction.  But I was so beyond ready to have Dean in this world (and to no longer be pregnant!), so I sucked it up and set up an induction for March 20.

John and I get to the hospital at 5:30am (yes, in the morning!) to get ready for the induction.  After Ellen arrives, we learn from the nurse that they are short staffed and that it would take a while to get to me.  The nurse even said we could go home and come back another time.  I wasn’t having that!  I ever so politely informed her I was staying for however long it took.  Sometime around 7am the doctor on-call met with me to say he would be back to break my water around 10am.  Imagine my surprise when he showed up at my room at 10am ready to go!  Unfortunately, the nurses who had shown up a few minutes before could not get an IV in me, and without an IV the doctor wouldn’t proceed :(  So then we waited until around 2pm, then the show got started.

The induction really wasn’t as bad as I had it built up in my head.  No, it didn’t feel great to have my water broken, but it wasn’t the horrendous pain I had thought it would be.  Labor started around 2pm.  I feel I did pretty well laboring on my own for a while, but the contractions weren’t as strong or frequent as the doctor liked, so we went forward with medication to make them stronger and more frequent (doesn’t that sound like fun :P ).  Once those meds got into my system, it took until the second contraction for me to scream for my epidural. And thank goodness for the epidural!

That all occurred during the evening/night hours.  Midnight comes and goes, so it’s been at least 24 hours since I had anything to eat or drink.  I’m dilating, but not as quick as I would like.  It wasn’t until around 4:30am THE NEXT DAY that I got to start pushing.  Thankfully at this point the epidural is still in effect.  Until around 5am.  Oh no!!!  I started getting feeling back in my left hip.  At first I thought it was from the way I was laying down, so Ellen tried to massage it out.  Then we all realized I was able to feel the contractions in my hip.  Oh my gracious!  Looking back now I’m thankful I had feeling in my hip (at the time it hurt like nothing else, so I wasn’t able to see the positive in it).  Pushing made the pain lessen, so that made me feel a little more in control. 

Finally, at 6:15am on Thursday, March 21, Dean Edward Martin was born.  All 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and 23 inches of him.  He was (and still is) absolutely perfect.  I can’t describe how I felt the moment John brought him over for me to hold.  I was so proud of Dean for finally making it into this world, and filled with so much love and joy for this precious little person.  He was healthy and alert and I couldn’t wait to just hold him all day (and finally eat!)!  After he had his bath, the nurse took Dean back to have his exam by the doctor.

That was when things went downhill.

To make a long story short, Dean had to be transported to the NICU of another hospital.  His breathing was irregular and his blood sugar level plummeted to 6, when it should have been in the 80 range.  I wanted so much to be discharged from the hospital so I could go be with my newborn son.  Seeing as I had just given birth 4 hours earlier, the doctor nicely and politely told me that wasn’t happening.  Once Dean was in the NICU and settled, John got to go over to be with him.

I was discharged the following morning.  John and I spent most of that day, and the subsequent days, in the NICU with Dean.  It absolutely broke my heart to see him there.  I had imagined leaving the hospital with my son in my arms, going home to spend quality time with my new family.  Instead, I had only held him for a matter of minutes, and now I got to look at him, in an open incubator.  The NICU staff did everything they could to figure out what was going on with my son.  MRI, EEG, blood work, and several other tests were run to determine the cause of his issues.  Everything came back normal, so they worked on stabilizing his breathing and glucose.

After 7 days in the NICU, Dean’s breathing and glucose were finally stabilized and he was able to go home!  We were so happy to finally have our son home, so we could start bonding and become a family.

The “honeymoon” was short-lived.  The hospital didn’t do Dean’s newborn screen until the day he was discharged from the NICU.  A week later, on a Wednesday, I received a call with the results of his screen (yes, a week later).  The resident in the NICU sent the information to the wrong pediatrician’s office (that’s another story all together).  The screen showed that Dean was in adrenal crisis (adrenal glands were not functioning properly).  Our pediatrician told us to go have more blood work done to make sure.  We did, and within a couple of hours we found ourselves on the way to the Children’s Hospital in Knoxville. 

Upon arrival, the emergency room staff immediately took Dean back and started getting him on an IV and taking blood to check his levels.  Dean was diagnosed with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) and admitted to the hospital’s PICU so they could give him medication to monitor his sodium, potassium, and glucose levels.  It took a couple of days for the medication to work, and those were the longest 2 days of my life.  John came back home after dropping Dean and I off in Knoxville (he had to work the next couple of days).  So there we were, Dean and I and the wonderful nurses in the PICU.  John came back Friday after work, and Dean was released to come home Saturday afternoon.

We’ve now been home for 2 straight weeks, and we couldn’t be happier to be together as a family!

Several of you called, emailed, and/or texted during the time we were figuring out about Dean’s CAH.  I was not in a place to respond to communication, therefore I thank you for understanding why I didn’t respond.  I also want to thank everyone for their support, thoughts, prayers, visits, and meals for us.  I wish I could express in words just how much they meant to us and how much we love and appreciate all of you!

For anyone interested in learning more about CAH (and I highly encourage you to be), the website the hospital directed us to is  This is a condition Dean will have for the rest of his life, and will have to take medication every day to balance himself.  As long as he takes his medication, he can still live a normal life.

Alright, now for some pictures of our little man!

Isn't he just precious!?!  Look at that sweet face!

Sleeping on daddy

My little "Dean Burrito"!  =D

Gizmo, being a good big brother, keeping guard

Walking together as a family!

Thanks for reading!  Until next time!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 40/ Made it to the Due Date!

Greetings all!

Well, we made it to Week 40!  Wow, how the time has gone by.  Feels like it was just July 3, 2012 when we first found out we were going to become parents.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again now, I have enjoyed my pregnancy.  Feeling little Dean grow and become stronger has been one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced.  He's already a blessing, and John and I are so grateful for the experience we've had.

All that being said, it's about time for him to get moving.

John made an observation this morning that Dean seems to be on Martin-time.  In other words, he's taking his time getting here.  Bless him :)  I'm as ready for him to be here as I can be.  If I may ask, please send your positive thoughts and prayers to Dean to encourage him to come out into the world.  Dean, so many people, your mommy and daddy especially, who want to meet you!  And I promise, there's so much more room out here for you to move and squirm around!  Imagine what all you can do being outside the confines of mommy's belly, lol!

Let's get on to the update:

Size: Small pumpkin!  It's hard to say for sure how big Dean will be by the time he's born.  At last week's appointment, the doctor estimated his weight at around 7.5 pounds, and that he could gain roughly a half pound a week (another factor to encourage him to come on out!)

Physical Features:  His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor.  So, he could have a little conehead after birth, but it's normal and temporary.

How I'm Feeling:  Still having the Braxton-Hicks.  I'm ready for them to be real contractions.  Not that I'm looking forward to the pain, just ready to have him here.  Still feeling great overall, tired as per usual.  I'm not working now, so I've got time to do my exercises and rest when I need to.  Emotionally, I want so much to hold my little boy for the first time.  So again, come on out Dean!

What I'm Thankful For:  Overall I'm grateful for a wonderful pregnancy.  I've stayed as fit as I could (even stayed within the weight gain window!), as healthy as I could (granted all the milkshakes I've had), and I think I did well emotionally as well, but you'd have to ask John about that.  I'm very thankful to have had John and his support throughout the last 40 weeks.  Love him just so much!

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  No more appointments (unless something comes up), and my visit today was uneventful.   So really, the next event will be Dean's birth!

Let's see the last bump pic!

I appreciate all of you following my blog these last few months!  I plan to continue writing as to chronicle our lives with Dean, although it may not be as frequent as the lead-up :)  Thank you all for your encouragement, support, thoughts, and prayers.

Stay tuned for Dean's birth!

Have a great week!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Week 39/ One Week/ Drop It Low!

Yes, I just referenced 2 songs in one title.  I'm cool like that ;)

One week to go before Dean's arrival!  That's give or take, of course.  Although I'd prefer he be born next Monday.  Then his birth date will be 31113!  Over the last few days, Dean has been doing some dropping.  I confirmed this at last week's doctor's appointment.  I felt a little lighter on top, noticed it was a bit easier to breathe, and my mid-back was hurting again.  For me, that's always a sign of his re-positioning :)  Had a minor little emotional freak-out last week, just stressing about everything, but got over it fairly quickly.  Thankful for that! poor little husband hurt his back this weekend :(  He'll survive, I promise :)  Since he was out for the count, my family stepped in to help with the tasks we wanted (read: I wanted) to accomplish this weekend.  Mom came over to help clean again, and Nick came over to put together our new glider.  Love our new glider :)  Thanks mom and Nick for all your help! (and to April and Eli for their patience!)

In honor of Dean's upcoming birth, I've decided to be clever, so I came up with a Top Ten list about my pregnancy.  Well, two Top Five lists, but when added together, equals Ten :)  Here we go!

What I Loved about Being Pregnant:
5. How nice people can be.  Many times people have gotten up from their seats to let me sit, or let me go first in line for the bathroom.  Such sweet folks :)
4. My awesome hair/nails/skin!  Other than my first trimester, my skin has never looked or felt better!  I'd break a nail and think, so big deal, it'll be back in a week.  And it would be!  Oh, and my hair.  Secret's coming out, I'd sometimes go 2...maybe even 3 days without washing it.  Yeah that may sound gross, but no one ever knew!  
3. While I was tired (a lot), I loved how I felt overall during my pregnancy.  It's difficult to explain.  Those who have children may know what I'm referring to.
2. Getting to experience this with John.  He's been absolutely fantastic during the whole pregnancy and being as involved as he can be.  So excited for our little family!
1. Feeling and watching my little man move around.  I would just watch with utter amazement as I'd see limbs shift or feel little nudges into my ribs.  Absolutely priceless!

What I'm Looking Forward To about Not Being Pregnant:
5. No more aches and pains (pregnancy-related)!
4. Being able to get comfy!
3. I'll have some energy back!
2. I'll be able to shave my legs like a normal person again!
1. My little man will be here!!!!! :D

On to the update!

Size: Mini-watermelon!  Dean is waiting to greet the world, measuring about 20 inches and weighing around 7 pounds (although boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls).

Physical Features: Dean's continuing to build a layer of baby fat to help control his body temperature after birth.  The outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin is forming underneath.

How I'm Feeling: Tired, experiencing some pain all around as well as infrequent contractions.  Otherwise very blessed and very excited to meet Dean!

Who I'm Thankful For:  Jason at the Johnson City Fire Department!  He showed John and I how to install Dean's car seat.  John and I are very much visual learners, so sitting down with instructions isn't the best for us.  So glad that Jason took the time to explain everything carefully and show us how it's done.  We'll be ready to install the second car seat base (but will still take it by to him to check our work :) 

Appointments and Upcoming Events: Next doctor's appointment is tomorrow.  We'll see how far along he's progressed!

Bump Pic!

Keep close to FB for any developments on Dean's arrival!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 38/Still Preggers!


So, who all thought I had the baby?!?  "She didn't post Sunday!" She didn't post Monday!" "Did she have the baby and didn't say anything?"

Nope :)

I wore myself to exhaustion on Sunday, so I didn't feel like taking my pic or spending time on my  computer.  So I planned to blog yesterday.  But Comcast had other thoughts; their internet was messed up.  Another day without blogging.  I know some of you were taking bets that I'd go into labor on the full moon (which was yesterday).  That didn't happen either.  So here we are, at Week 38, just playing The Waiting Game.

Had a doctor's appointment today.  Everything looks good (weight, blood pressure, etc).  I'm dilated 2-3 cm and around 75% effaced.  Dean's arrival is coming up so fast!

We had maternity pictures taken!  Thank you again Thornhill Photography for the awesome pictures!  I'll get some of those posted once we get the disc.  Anyone that needs a photographer, either here or in the Asheville area, I can recommend a good one :)

Let's see the update on Dean!

Size:  The length of a leek!  Dean's about 6.8 pounds and over 19.5 inches long.

Physical Features:  Dean has a firm grasp,  His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

How I'm Feeling:  Tired, as per usual.  I can tell Dean's getting into position.  My mid-back has been getting sore, and I'm having to use a jacket or a pillow while I'm sitting at work to ease some of the pressure.  I haven't been doing my exercises/stretches like I know I should be :(  I'll do better about those this week.

What I'm Thankful For:  Having the time to "wrap up" everything.  We still have a couple things left to do, but it's all minor.  Glad we got the major stuff taken care of.  And thanks again to everyone who helped us get to this point!

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  Next appointment is set for next Wednesday, so that John can come with me.  As far as upcoming events, just waiting on Dean's arrival!

The bump pic!

Oh!  I do have one picture from the maternity shoot: 

Can't wait to see the rest of them!

Have a great week!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 37/The Last of the Showers

Hello everyone!

Week 37...means Dean is now considered full term!

As you noticed, I did not make my update yesterday.  My apologies :)  I feel the slow-down as this pregnancy draws to its near conclusion.  Can you believe we are 3 weeks from the day of Dean's arrival (give or take)?!?  So many feelings, both physical and emotional.  (I'll talk more about that later)

Last week, John's work threw us a baby shower!  It was great.  And they were gracious enough to host it at the branch across from where we live, even though John's not at that branch anymore.  I'm so appreciative of the food and gifts they gave to our expanding family.  And John was excited to get to open some gifts, lol!  

Today, my work threw us a baby shower! :)  It was planned for today thinking John would be off for President's Day.  But while banks were closed, the credit union was not :(  Still, we had a great time, and I'm very thankful for the generosity my work showed me today.  You guys are incredible; thank you so much!

So, now that the showers are over, I am in full organizational mode!  I've already sorted and organized the diapers by size (as well as the wipes), hung up some of Dean's clothes, and set aside the bath items.  We have more clothes now, so those will need to be washed and sorted by size (oh yes, all his clothes are sorted by size).  This week we'll get the car seat installed (and checked by the fire dept) as well as the monitor.  Those are John's jobs :)

Everything's coming together!

Oh, one thing before the update: a lot of people have been asking me how I know how much Dean weighs, if the doctor's check it every week, etc.  The doctor's don't necessarily measure him, they measure my belly to make sure I'm on track.  Generally, how far along you are in weeks is how much you should measure out to be.  For example, when I went at week 34, my belly (uterus) measured 34 cm.  To get his length, size, weight, etc, I get that info off an app on my phone.  

Let's see what Dean's up to this week:

Size:  The length of a stalk of Swiss chard (yeah...)!  He weighs around 6.33 pounds and measures just over 19 inches.

Physical Features:  Since he's now considered full-term, Dean's lungs are likely mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.

How I'm Feeling:  Oh, the adjustment's my body is making in order to make room for Dean's delivery.  By the end of the day I just want to put my large, swollen feet up and do my best to relax.  Saturday I stayed home for the majority of the day, and I could tell a difference in how I feel when I run around like crazy and when I take it easy.  Of course, I felt much better after taking a day to just rest.  

Sleeping has also become an issue.  Once I get home from work, I am ready to roll over and just fall asleep.  Although sleep doesn't always come easy.  I try to get as comfortable as I can, but between bathroom breaks my large belly (which makes it interesting to turn at night), I have a dog who stays on my feet and a husband who loves to get as close to me as he can.  Assuming we have another child, we will have a King-size bed :)  

All that being said, I know I've been blessed with a great pregnancy, and I'm grateful for everything :)

What I'm Thankful For:  My mommy!  In going along with trying to take it easy, she came over yesterday and helped me clean!  She's been offering to come help, so I finally took her up on it. I did a few things here and there, but she did a majority of the work.  It was great to not only have her help me clean the house, but to spend some time with her as well.  Thank you again mom!

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  Doctor's appointments are now every week, so my appointment this week is tomorrow.

Bump pic!

Props to my mom for taking this pic yesterday!  She cleans and takes pictures!  As you can see, Dean's all in the front.  This is what makes turning in the middle of the night an adventure.  

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 36/ It's The Final Countdown!

One month to go, it is indeed The Final Countdown!

I must say that I have been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy.  For the most part, I have felt great and was able to continue regular activities.  That being said…I feel that I have now entered my “uncomfortable stage” (as my mom observed).  Changes are happening as my body is preparing for The Big Event.  This past week was the first time I've really experienced cankles and dude, those are not pleasant.  Between the cankles and soreness, pain and tiredness, I know Dean’s getting himself ready.  As I keep reminding him, he needs to cook just a little longer.  So for that to happen, I know I've got to do more to slow down and take care of myself.  It’s in his best interest, right? :)  Keeping my focus on a happy and healthy baby boy!

Speaking of happy and healthy, I watched Dean’s knee move across my belly this week!  Wow, was that a cool thing to see, if not a bit painful, lol!  John got to feel the action the other day.  It was so precious.  He looked at me, smiled, and apologized for how strong Dean is, lol!  He is a strong baby.  Dean and I still play our games; when he pokes and punches and knees, I poke him right back!  I’m so excited to hold him and kiss his precious little face!

Another sign of the changes is that Gizmo has been hanging around me more than usual.  He’s around me a lot (a bit of a mama’s puppy), but lately whenever I sit down he’s right next to me, when I get up and come back he’s laying in my exact spot.  I think he’s finally learned that mommy’s got something going on and that his life is about to change!  I read dogs can be a good indicator of when labor is imminent, so as he’s keeping an eye on me, I’m keeping my eye on him.

On to Dean’s update!

Size: Crenshaw melon!  Dean now weighs right around 6 pounds and is more than 18.5 inches long.

Physical Features: Dean is shedding most of the downy hair that covered his body.  Many of his systems are pretty mature (at least in baby terms) and just about ready for life on the outside.

What I’m Thankful For:  A wonderful support system made up of family, friends, and my wonderful husband, who has taken on a larger role around the house to help me out. 

How I’m Feeling: Re: above

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  Doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and every week from here on out!  Also have a massage tomorrow, YAY!  We’re suppose to have our maternity pictures on Saturday…we’ll see if the weather will cooperate.  That’s right people; they’re calling for more snow this coming weekend.  Hoping that system will pass us by!

And the Pic!

As you can see, standing up straight has been a bit of an issue lately.  :P

Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and a fabulous Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 35/ Another shower!/ And more snow!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

I didn't start getting into football (and I use that term loosely) until I met John, but I always enjoyed Super Bowl Sunday.  Half the fun is the food, the other half divided between the halftime show and the commercials.  But now that I'm understanding the game more, I'm looking forward to watching the game as well.  Who am I rooting for?  The San Francisco 49ers, of course!  Go home state team!

Yes people, the snow just. Won't. Stop.  Well, hopefully this'll be it for a while (it better, I have a work event on Saturday and I am not rescheduling it again).  The snow started late yesterday morning and snowed up until this morning, but the temp's gotten a bit warmer, the sun is out (I can see blue sky!), and it's all melting away.  Thank goodness.

My pregnancy update told me (yes, it speaks to, not really) that because Dean's gotten so big I probably won't feel him moving around as much.  Well, no one told Dean :)  today I got to see a limb move across my stomach!  It was the coolest thing.  Usually I just see the nudges that make waves across my belly, but this time it was either an arm or a leg.  And he just keeps moving.  I love it!  I'm really going to miss those movements after he's out.  But then again, I'll get to see him move around minus the restriction of my uterus :)

Had another baby shower yesterday!  Thank you again to Alex, Crystal, and Angela for hostessing!  I had a great time, and everyone else seemed to as well.  Thanks to everyone, we are getting more and more prepared for when Dean comes.  And for what we need to prepare for his arrival.  Thank you everyone for coming out and sharing this special occasion with me!!!

To the update!

Size: Little Dean Honeydew!  He's just over 18 inches long and about 5.25 pounds.

Physical Features:  Dean's kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Basic physical development is now mostly complete, and his main job over the next few weeks is to put on weight!

What I'm Thankful For:  John's help.  You'll see why below.  He's really stepped up to not only help me out around the house, but to make sure I'm as comfortable as I can be.  Love you babe!

How I'm Feeling:  Overall, still feeling great.  I have reached the point where I'm limited in physical activity, and some tasks I'm finding are difficult to achieve.  Also, I feel my body making "the changes" in preparation for birth.  It's not been the most pleasant, but stretching seems to help.  By the time I get home from work, I don't move around much.  It's time to start making freezer meals not just for after Dean comes, but for when I don't feel like cooking after work.  

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  Next appointment isn't until Feb. 11, and we'll have one more shower (John's work is throwing one for us!) the day after.  Maternity pics have been scheduled for Feb. 16.  Looking forward to those!  I'm hoping it'll be the one day in the middle of winter it'll be 70 degrees.  It's ridiculous, but I can sure dream!

The Bump Pic!

Have a wonderful week!