Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 37/The Last of the Showers

Hello everyone!

Week 37...means Dean is now considered full term!

As you noticed, I did not make my update yesterday.  My apologies :)  I feel the slow-down as this pregnancy draws to its near conclusion.  Can you believe we are 3 weeks from the day of Dean's arrival (give or take)?!?  So many feelings, both physical and emotional.  (I'll talk more about that later)

Last week, John's work threw us a baby shower!  It was great.  And they were gracious enough to host it at the branch across from where we live, even though John's not at that branch anymore.  I'm so appreciative of the food and gifts they gave to our expanding family.  And John was excited to get to open some gifts, lol!  

Today, my work threw us a baby shower! :)  It was planned for today thinking John would be off for President's Day.  But while banks were closed, the credit union was not :(  Still, we had a great time, and I'm very thankful for the generosity my work showed me today.  You guys are incredible; thank you so much!

So, now that the showers are over, I am in full organizational mode!  I've already sorted and organized the diapers by size (as well as the wipes), hung up some of Dean's clothes, and set aside the bath items.  We have more clothes now, so those will need to be washed and sorted by size (oh yes, all his clothes are sorted by size).  This week we'll get the car seat installed (and checked by the fire dept) as well as the monitor.  Those are John's jobs :)

Everything's coming together!

Oh, one thing before the update: a lot of people have been asking me how I know how much Dean weighs, if the doctor's check it every week, etc.  The doctor's don't necessarily measure him, they measure my belly to make sure I'm on track.  Generally, how far along you are in weeks is how much you should measure out to be.  For example, when I went at week 34, my belly (uterus) measured 34 cm.  To get his length, size, weight, etc, I get that info off an app on my phone.  

Let's see what Dean's up to this week:

Size:  The length of a stalk of Swiss chard (yeah...)!  He weighs around 6.33 pounds and measures just over 19 inches.

Physical Features:  Since he's now considered full-term, Dean's lungs are likely mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.

How I'm Feeling:  Oh, the adjustment's my body is making in order to make room for Dean's delivery.  By the end of the day I just want to put my large, swollen feet up and do my best to relax.  Saturday I stayed home for the majority of the day, and I could tell a difference in how I feel when I run around like crazy and when I take it easy.  Of course, I felt much better after taking a day to just rest.  

Sleeping has also become an issue.  Once I get home from work, I am ready to roll over and just fall asleep.  Although sleep doesn't always come easy.  I try to get as comfortable as I can, but between bathroom breaks my large belly (which makes it interesting to turn at night), I have a dog who stays on my feet and a husband who loves to get as close to me as he can.  Assuming we have another child, we will have a King-size bed :)  

All that being said, I know I've been blessed with a great pregnancy, and I'm grateful for everything :)

What I'm Thankful For:  My mommy!  In going along with trying to take it easy, she came over yesterday and helped me clean!  She's been offering to come help, so I finally took her up on it. I did a few things here and there, but she did a majority of the work.  It was great to not only have her help me clean the house, but to spend some time with her as well.  Thank you again mom!

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  Doctor's appointments are now every week, so my appointment this week is tomorrow.

Bump pic!

Props to my mom for taking this pic yesterday!  She cleans and takes pictures!  As you can see, Dean's all in the front.  This is what makes turning in the middle of the night an adventure.  

Have a great week!

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