Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 40/ Made it to the Due Date!

Greetings all!

Well, we made it to Week 40!  Wow, how the time has gone by.  Feels like it was just July 3, 2012 when we first found out we were going to become parents.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again now, I have enjoyed my pregnancy.  Feeling little Dean grow and become stronger has been one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced.  He's already a blessing, and John and I are so grateful for the experience we've had.

All that being said, it's about time for him to get moving.

John made an observation this morning that Dean seems to be on Martin-time.  In other words, he's taking his time getting here.  Bless him :)  I'm as ready for him to be here as I can be.  If I may ask, please send your positive thoughts and prayers to Dean to encourage him to come out into the world.  Dean, so many people, your mommy and daddy especially, who want to meet you!  And I promise, there's so much more room out here for you to move and squirm around!  Imagine what all you can do being outside the confines of mommy's belly, lol!

Let's get on to the update:

Size: Small pumpkin!  It's hard to say for sure how big Dean will be by the time he's born.  At last week's appointment, the doctor estimated his weight at around 7.5 pounds, and that he could gain roughly a half pound a week (another factor to encourage him to come on out!)

Physical Features:  His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor.  So, he could have a little conehead after birth, but it's normal and temporary.

How I'm Feeling:  Still having the Braxton-Hicks.  I'm ready for them to be real contractions.  Not that I'm looking forward to the pain, just ready to have him here.  Still feeling great overall, tired as per usual.  I'm not working now, so I've got time to do my exercises and rest when I need to.  Emotionally, I want so much to hold my little boy for the first time.  So again, come on out Dean!

What I'm Thankful For:  Overall I'm grateful for a wonderful pregnancy.  I've stayed as fit as I could (even stayed within the weight gain window!), as healthy as I could (granted all the milkshakes I've had), and I think I did well emotionally as well, but you'd have to ask John about that.  I'm very thankful to have had John and his support throughout the last 40 weeks.  Love him just so much!

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  No more appointments (unless something comes up), and my visit today was uneventful.   So really, the next event will be Dean's birth!

Let's see the last bump pic!

I appreciate all of you following my blog these last few months!  I plan to continue writing as to chronicle our lives with Dean, although it may not be as frequent as the lead-up :)  Thank you all for your encouragement, support, thoughts, and prayers.

Stay tuned for Dean's birth!

Have a great week!

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