Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week 29/ Birthday!/ Christmas weekend!

Hello all!

We survived the "Mayan apocalypse"!  Only 11 more weeks to go!  Officially on Christmas break from work!  Birthdays!  It's been a fantastic week, lol!

What a Birthmas weekend!  First, I was blessed throughout the week with little Birth-week surprises from John.  Flowers, cookie cake, cards...he knows how to make his wife feel special :D  I am that person who loves birthdays.  Just loves them!  Doesn't even have to be mine.  I love planning John's birthdays, and I'm sooooo excited to have Dean's birthdays to plan for as well!  So all day Friday at work I was so happy.  Happy because the next day was my birthday, and happy because our office knows how to celebrate Christmas.  We had a wonderful potluck lunch, followed by gift-exchange and trivia games!  Best way to spend the last day before Christmas break!

Anyway, back to my birthday :)  Because we planned to travel to South Carolina to see John's family for Christmas, John promised me I could do whatever I wanted for my birthday.  I opted for lunch at Gourmet and Co. in Johnson City.  Which was awesome.  And for everyone who wished me a happy birthday, a million times, thank you!!!  I hope I was able to respond to each message (it's difficult to tell with this facebook timeline stuff).  I am so blessed to have the most awesomest of friends, and I'm grateful for each and every one of you!

After lunch we headed to SC to spend time with John's family for Christmas.  I so enjoyed getting to go visit with John's family.  Many of them we only get to see this time of year (even though we say we're gonna meet up throughout the year ;)  ), so it was awesome seeing everyone and catching up on everything.  It was a quick-trip, since we had plans to spend time with my dad today for his birthday.  I'm very thankful we were able to go, and I'm glad that we did.

Today was Dad's birthday (yes, party for days people!).  We all met up for lunch then went to mom and dad's for dessert and birthday gifts.  I'm so blessed with all the family John and I have!

Dean has gotten so much stronger!  We've gone from poking each other to him just jumping about.  Every morning after I wake up we have ourselves a little "dance party," at least that's what it feels like, lol!  This morning in the middle of his party he got the hiccups (so cute!) and had to take a break.  But right after his hiccups were gone, he went right back to dancing!  So excited to meet him in just a few short weeks!

On to the updates!

Size: Butternut squash!  Dean weighs about 2.5 pounds and is just around 15 inches long from head to heel.

Physical Features: Dean's muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing to make room for his developing brain.  So, he may have a big head, like his daddy ;)

How I'm Feeling: Great!  I've been doing more stretches with the exercise ball John got for me, and it's really helped with my back pain!  Haven't gotten to use it the last couple of days, and I can tell a difference.  I think as long as I do my stretches my back pain will ease up.  Yay!  Other than that, and the occasional heartburn, feeling fantastic as usual!

What I'm Thankful For: Spending time with all our (mine and John's) families.  Just having the best time ever.  Keep thinking that next year, everyone will get to see Dean!

Appointments and Upcoming Events: Had my doctor's visit this past week.  Everything is still progressing wonderfully!  We talked about Dean's movements and if I need to be doing kick counts (as I've been reading about this week), and the doctor feels he and I are both healthy enough I don't need to worry about doing them.  Which is great, my memory and brain functions aren't exactly up to par right now :)  Always thankful to get a great report from the doctor.  Now that I'm in the 3rd trimester, I go every other week now (until about a month until the due date, then it's every week).  

Looking forward to Christmas this week!  John and I are staying home this year, which makes me happy.  With it being our last Christmas just the two of us, it'll be nice to spend it together.

The Bump Pic!

I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas!  Enjoy and treasure the time you have with friends/family!

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