Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 25/ Birthgiving/ Thanksgiving and Black Friday!


John, Gizmo, Dean and I had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday, and I pray your family did as well!  We were blessed to be able to spend it with both of our families.  I love this time of year.  Not just the spending time with family and catching up with everyone.  I love to cook/bake, and during this time of year, the need for such is in abundance!  

I'm so grateful for my wonderful husband, who celebrated his 30th birthday this past week!  He had to work (boo!) but we were able to go out to dinner with some friends to celebrate his big day.  Since his birthday is so close to Thanksgiving, I like to call it Birthgiving :)  It's ok, since I celebrate Birthmas :) Every day I am thankful for this man God put in my life, and for everything John does for our family.  I love you, John! :*

I have the best time making food, especially for Thanksgiving.  This is largely in part to my huge collection of Pampered Chef gadgets.  As I stated in my very first post, I LOVE PC!!!  It's my SIL April's fault :)  The very first Pampered Chef party I went to she hosted, and my life was never the same.  If by chance you are not familiar with PC, Google it!  It's only the best in cookware, kitchen gadgets, entertaining, etc.  I started my collection out small, with just a coffee scoop and a can opener.  From there, my collection grew and grew!  If this has piqued your interest, and you're interested in starting your own collection of PC goodies, here is my list of top 5 items you should consider owning (let me first disclaim that I do not sell Pampered Chef; I'm just a huge fan):

1- Can opener.  I have the previous-model can opener, that has the two legs.  The new model only has one.  Mom has that one.  What's awesome about the can opener is that it cuts the lid along the side.  So no cuts, and no losing the top into the can!

2- Mix and Chop.  I use this to mash potatoes, ground meat, mix up a variety of items, etc.  And it's dishwasher-safe, as most PC products are. 

3- Food chopper.  This is not the crazy Slap Chop, ok people?  This is the real deal.  Chops up veggies, nuts, etc in seconds, and it comes apart for easy cleaning!

4- Pizza Cutter. You have not cut pizza until you have with the PC pizza cutter.  First time, every time! I use it to cut brownies too!  It even comes with a cover, so it makes a cool noise when you un-sheath it. :)

5- Micro-cooker. This is a device that will cook your food in the microwave.  I know!  I use it to brown meat (using the mix and chop to ground it), make sauce, pasta, steam veggies, reheat leftovers, and there are so many other things you can do!  This. Will. Change. Your. Life.

Should you be interested in starting your PC collection, right now my nephew's daycare is holding a fundraiser and PC is one of the vendors.  The website to visit is Then go to Shop Online, and enter Kingsport Child Development Center in the first box.  Happy shopping!

Oh, Black Friday.  What a fun day :)  This year, retailers opened on Thanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day?!?!) with sales starting at 8pm and midnight.  Mom and I always go shopping on Black Friday, been doing so since I was a little girl, when grandma came with us.  Last year, mom and I did the midnight shopping, and we vowed never, ever were we going to do that again.  We're just too old for that I suppose, lol!  So this year, we went back to our normal heading out at 4am, since there wasn't anything we absolutely had to have.  And it was awesome!  Everyone was out the night before or at midnight, so everywhere we went (except for Kohl's), there were no lines!!!  And we got everything we wanted without having to fight anyone.  It was great!  Then I came home, as tired as I was, and put up all our Christmas decorations,  Even wrapped the presents I bought that day!  Needless to say, I could barely move by the time John got home from work, lol!  But I slept great that night!

Alright, time for Dean's update!

Size:  Rutabaga baby!  Dean measures around 13.5 inches long, and at my doctor's appointment last week, weighs an estimated 1 lb 11 oz.

Physical Features:  Dean's starting to get some baby fat :)  His wrinkled skin will be smoothing out and he'll soon be looking like a little newborn!  If we could see Dean's hair, we'd be able to tell it's color and texture!

What I'm Thankful For:  One of the awesome things about Thanksgiving is getting to spend time with family you haven't seen in a while.  John's brother and his family came up, and I got to spend some time hanging out with my SIL Krista.  We never get to hang out (they live in GA), just the two of us.  So we got lunch, and just sat around and talked.  It was great getting to talk with her just one-on-one, and she shared some very valuable advice on babies (as they have 2 adorable twin girls!).  I'm very thankful for that time we got to have this weekend; thanks Krista!

Overall Feeling:  Did I mention the pain in my back in my last post?  Well, it's still there :P  I'm going to see about getting an adjustment this week to relieve the pain.  I've tried stretches and "proper" sleeping positions, but they don't seem to be working.  Other than that nagging little pain, I'm feeling absolutely wonderful, and thankful for my health!

Appointments and Coming Events: Glucose appointment went well!  Mine and Dean's glucose test came back great, so no gestational diabetes for us!  We also got to have another ultrasound.  My doctor's office only does 2 ultrasounds: one to see the baby when you first find out you're pregnant, and the other to determine the sex of the baby.  At that appointment, the tech didn't get a clear enough picture of the umbilical insertion for Baby Dean, so the doctor wanted another ultrasound so she could see it better (I mean, as tired and hungry as I've been, I know he's getting what he needs, but they need the clear evidence. That's cool).  This time, while the tech was searching for the insertion, she got a really good look at Dean's profile, and printed off a pic for us.
There he is!  He's got that Streeman nose, if you ask me, lol!  I love this picture.  I love looking at it while feeling him move around.  I have such a strong urge to just hold him and snuggle him and tell him how much his dad and I love him.  I'm getting sappy just thinking about him, lol!

Anyway, the rest of the appointment went great!  The doctor went down the list of everything they did, check fluids, measurements, his weight, my weight, etc, and said everything was coming along perfectly.  So glad for a great doctor visit!  Next one is Dec. 18, during Birthmas week!

Let's see how big Dean's gotten:
Yeah, he's really showing now, lol!  Love him!

Have a great week!

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