Saturday, January 7, 2012


Greetings all!

Yes, I figured the time had come...I am writing a blog.  What will this blog is about, you ask?  Eh, whatever springs to mind :)  I enjoy reading my friends' blogs, and it seems like it would be fun.  To get started, I thought I would tell you a little about myself.

First, I am a child of God.  A Christian, saved by God's amazing grace.  Everything that's happened in my life, God has put into motion for me to learn and grow.  Am I perfect?  No.  But I learn more and more every day His love for me and my family.

Next, I have the most wonderful, awesome, amazing man for a husband.  He's the best husband in the world. say your husband is the best?  That's awesome!  I'm so thankful God gave me John, and I'm thankful He too gave you the most wonderful person to be with.  We have a furry son, Gizmo.  Awww...Gizmo.  He's the most awesome dog ever.  I suspect you'll learn a lot about Gizmo should you continue reading this blog.

I love my family.  Immediate, extended, in-lawed, I love them all!  You'll learn more about them in future blogs, I'm sure.

My friends are the most fantastic and awesome people around.  Each one has made an impact on me in some way, and for that I'm extremely grateful!

I love the Dave Matthews Band.  Seriously.  You can probably tell by the title of this blog.

Originally, I'm from Redding, California.  I ended up in Tennessee when my parents decided they wanted to move back to my dad's hometown.  I've lived here for nearly 19 years (give or take a few months) now, and while I love it here, I still consider California to be my home.

I'm very proud of my education.  My goal was to earn a Master's Degree, and that's exactly what I achieved. A lot of hard work (as well as weight loss and tears) went into it, and every time I see my diploma, I'm reminded how worth it it was.

Pinterest.  Oh, how I love thee.  When I'm bored, you're there.  When I need a break from work, you're there.  When I need to go to bed, you're there to keep me awake and tired for the next day :)

Pampered Chef...'nuf said.

Think I'll end the "introduction" there.  Want to leave topics for future postings :)

So, welcome to my life!  I'll do my best to keep you informed as well as entertained.

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. I can remember one of your first jobs, Ingles yes and your brother worked their too. I enjoyed your blog I am glad you have met some of your goals. I enjoy talking about God and all He has done for me. I also enjoy reading bucket lists, if they are creative. I will enjoy following your blog and maybe some day I too will have a place to post all things interesting in my life. Becky Gent
