Remember how I said before that September was going to be a great month? Well, it was. But I'm glad it's over :) We sold the condo. We bought a house. We were nomads for nearly 3 weeks. We got the keys and moved in. We love our new house :D To Nick, JaVonte', Elvin, Ryan, and Alison for help in loading/unloading the POD, we cannot thank you enough! Thanks also to our parents for giving us shelter during the sit-and-wait-to-close process.
Once we had the keys to our new home, we began the painting process, beginning with Dean's room (seriously, like 2 hours after closing). Now, thanks to my lovely sister-in-law Krista, the living room is now painted! We'll tackle the kitchen, extra rooms, and our room next year. Sometime. Maybe. :)
Travel this year for work wasn't nearly as extensive as it's been in the past. Thanks to my co-workers for letting me "have it easy" so I can be at home more with the kid. I do have a couple conferences coming up that will take me out (and one I just did a couple weeks ago) for a few days. At least conferences are fun :D
So, that's what we've been doing, and why I took an impromptu break from blogging.
Dean is doing awesome. During the time I wasn't blogging, we got the results back from his pediatric endocrinologist appointment. All levels looked great, except for his salt. It was a little low. Leading up to that appointment my husband and I made the decision to use table salt instead of purchasing the sodium chloride. That's right, we were spending around $25 a month in salt-water. :P We got over that. It took us some skill (neither of us are a math whiz) to find the physical amount that equaled the liquid. We told the endocrinologist that when we met with him, about our conversion to table salt. He was fine with it, and when he told me Dean's salt was a little low, he advised to sprinkle a little extra salt into the milk. Dean will get blood work done again in December, and will go back to see ped endo in March when he's a year old.
Last time I wrote, we had just started Dean on rice cereal. He loved it so much we moved on to oatmeal cereal. He loved that even more! Now we're on to baby food! Started with avocado, and he was not a fan, lol! It may have been the texture, because he'd eat it when I'd mix in some oatmeal cereal. We just finished a round of sweet potato, which he loved! As soon as we'd set him down in the high chair, his mouth would open wide, lol!
We did manage to take a 6 month picture...although it's closer to when he was 6.5 months. But who's counting!?!
Still a happy, smiling baby! And see the color of his room? Love having color in our new house.
I did manage to get his 7 month picture right on the date!
Momma's sweet boy!
Within the past couple of weeks, Dean has started the "army crawl," and can get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. This weekend will be "baby-proofing" weekend, as we know the day is upon us that he'll be crawling and getting into whatever he can find.
So that's the latest. I'm sure there have been other things I've left out, but just not coming to immediate mind. The biggest, other than the move, is his inevitable crawling. We're gonna have a mover on our hands. Get ready!
Until next time!
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