Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 28/ Homestretch/ Birthmas week!

Greetings all!

Yes, we've made it to this point: We're "officially" in the third trimester!  I suppose this is what we call "The Homestretch," which is a little terrifying.  Just in the fact that very little has been done in preparation of Dean's arrival.  I should add, to my liking.  You all know I'm a planner (almost to a fault, right?), so to be this far in the game without a plan is a little, well, unsettling.  However, I do have time off coming up (the joys of working in higher ed around Christmas!) and will be completing a lot of tasks during that time.  This includes clearing out the extra room so make way for all of Dean's things, and looking for furniture.  Ok, now I'm all excited again :D

Dean has been so good :)  I know I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love his little movements!  I look forward to them.  And I feel so blessed every morning because first thing I notice is him moving around.  Then we talk while I'm getting ready, and John kisses him goodbye before he leaves for work.  Gizmo will eventually warm up to the idea of having a sibling, lol!  I love my little family!

For those keeping score, we still do not have a middle name.  We've tossed some around, but have yet to settle on anything.  Stay tuned for the latest Baby Name Drama (lol!)

To the Update!

Size:  Chinese cabbage! Dean weighs right around 2.25 pounds and measures about 14.8 inches (from top of his head to his heels)

Physical Features:  Dean can now blink his eyes, which now have eyelashes!  Now that his eyesight is developing along, he may be able to see the light that filters in through the womb.  He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain, and adding more body fat.

How I'm Feeling:  Had my massage yesterday, so all that build-up stress is gone (thanks Ellen!).  I made Christmas cookies the other day and spent way too much time on my feet.  By the time I was done I was leaning over the sink washing the last of the dishes, because my back was hurting :( But I had fun, and I got to stretch afterward, so all was good :D

What I'm Thankful For: Surprises for Dean!  This week some of my Bunco girls got together and gave Dean diapers and wipes!  I was surprised, and am very grateful.  Thanks Stephanie, Jen, Lacee, Rebecca, and Camisha!

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  Tuesday is my next doctor's appointment.  And it's Birthmas week!  Perhaps some of you are not familiar with Birthmas.  Allow me to educate you: 

For us, Birthmas is encompassed by my birthday (and Nick's, because, you know, we're twins, and that's how it works), my dad's birthday, followed the next day by Christmas Eve and then Christmas day.  It's the time of year in which we have celebrations for 4 days in a row.  It's fantastic.  Some of you might be thinking, oh, that must have stunk for you as a kid, having your birthday so close to Christmas and all (and having to share it).  But it's always been great.  Don't get me wrong, I used to imagine having my birthday in summer, but my parents always (ALWAYS) made it a point to keep Birthday separate from Christmas.  Even if that meant Nick and I wanting different parties.  Then they gave us different parties.  As an adult, I have a deeper appreciation for what our parents did for us.  Thanks mom and dad!

The Bump Pic!

Good to see him growing!  Although some of that may be due to the wonderful See's Candies my grandma sent (which arrived yesterday).  I love that stuff!

Have a wonderful week!

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