Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 23/ Speedway 5K/ Magic Eraser!


Thank you everyone for the support following last week's post.  I should say that there were more than just bottles and registering that factored in to my meltdown.  There were things in my life that needed changing, and I finally took control and changed them for the better.  It was a big week for us!  First thing I changed was that I resigned from the Junior League.  I hated having to resign.  I hadn't met many of the ladies of the League (as I just transferred this year) and the ones I had I enjoyed getting to know and work with.  Plus I love volunteering.  But I realized that I had to step back.  I am very appreciative of the support the ladies gave me, and they put on a great Follies this year!  So, I stepped back in order to change the second thing: we need to sell this condo.  This was the biggest reason for my meltdown.  I love this place, but it is time to move on into a house for our growing broad.  And the people we had our condo listed through were not doing their part in helping us fulfill this goal.  So we got out of our contact with them and hired a realtor we feel has our best interest in mind.  We are very pleased with how things are going now, and are reinvigorated with positive hope that we will sell this condo, and find our family home!

Today was also an eventful day, the Speedway In Lights 5K!  Had a great time walking the 5K with my friends Jen, Jenny, and little Azaleigh!

Next year, Dean will be walking with us too.  Can't wait!

On to the updates!

Size:  Mango Martin!  Weighs just over a pound and around 11 inches in length.

Physical Features:  Dean has a developed sense of movement, so he can feel me when I dance around the house :D  Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare him for breathing, and his hearing is becoming more keen.  

What I'm Thankful For:  Today, I am thankful for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.  Let me explain:
My fantastic husband is notorious for leaving items in his pants pockets.  About a year ago, that lovely man left a packet of chewing gum in his pants pocket, which got washed.  I thought it ruined the dryer, much less those clothes.  I got the dryer as clean as I could, but it seemed the gum was dried to the dryer.  Lesson learned: he is to always (always!) check his pockets before putting things in the dirty clothes.  Today starts as a normal laundry day: he brings me the clothes, I sort, we take them downstairs.  About the time my wonderful husband was to leave for lunch with his friends, he disappears downstairs.  He was gone so long I thought he left without saying goodbye :(  I yelled down to the garage to see if he was there.  He responded with a hesitant "yeah."  I asked him what he was going.  He responded with a resistant "nothing."  Now, I'm not a mamma just yet, but even I know such a response requires some investigating.  So I walk down to find the dryer open, and my darling husband holding one of his shirts.  It was just a few minutes before, he told me, he remembered he left a vitamin in the coin pocket of one of his pants.  And it had gotten on some of the clothes.  And inside the dryer.  He felt bad, and I could see it in his sad, puppy-dog eyes.  I felt bad for him. I remembered yesterday when I was cleaning out underneath the sink I had found a box of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser that we never used.  I thought, why not, it's worth a shot!  So after he left for lunch, I took the Magic Eraser in my attempt to conquer the vitamin in the dryer.  And it worked!  It worked so well, I thought hey, I'll see if this'll get that old gum off the inside as well.  AND IT WORKED!!!!  It took some time and some elbow grease, and it all came off.  I was so happy.  So in preparation for Dean being like his precious father, I am thankful to know that Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will get the gunk out of the dryer.

Overall Feelings:  Emotionally, much better than last week!  Physically I'm feeling great, especially after walking this 5K!

Appointments and Coming Events:  I'm very excited that this week is our TACRAO conference.  I like conferences.  I'm sad I won't be accompanying Becky to SACRAO this year, but it'll be too close to Dean's arrival for the comfort of my doctor.  So at least I have this to look forward to.  And my mentor will be there!  I can't wait to see her again!  Other than that, next week is my glucose test appointment (oh joy) as well as Thanksgiving (YAY!), and Dean's first experience Black Friday shopping (double YAY!).

Time for this week's Bump Pic!

Have a great week!

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