Monday, October 8, 2012

18 Weeks!


So excited, I get to post on the official start of Week 18!  Yay!  I'm still traveling this week, but don't head out until tomorrow.  Will be in Shelbyville for a fair tomorrow night, and crashing with the awesome Lowe's :)  Then will head out to Gaffney, SC to end the week in Rock Hill, SC.  Sad that it's the only SC week I get to do this year, but happy I'll at least get 2 days.  And I get to see my awesome SC peeps :)

An incredible thing started happening this week: flutters!  While I can't yet feel from the outside, earlier this past week I started feeling the little flutters that tell me Baby Martin is working to move around a bit!  Soon John will be able to feel it as well, and I can't wait for that day!

On to the updates!

Size:  Bell Pepper!  Baby Martin is about 5.5 inches long and weights almost 7 ounces.

Physical Features:  The ears are now in their final position.  A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around the nerves, which will continue even after Baby is born.

What I Miss:  Just being at home with John.  I grow every week, and I wish he could see it as each day goes by.  At least when we do see each other on weekends, he can see how much Baby has grown since he last saw it.

What I'm Thankful For:  I am so grateful for the support we have from our friends and family.  From listening to me freak out or just need to unload, to the great advice and listening ear, I'm thankful for each of you!

Cravings:  Hot Cocoa :)  It's been cold here, people!  And hot cocoa hits the spot!

Overall Feelings:  Awesome :)  Still tired, but I feel a lot of that has to do with all the travel.

Appointments and Upcoming Events:  Isn't there something going on next week?  On Oct. 15?  Can't think of it... :)  We find out the gender on Monday!!!!  :D  Then get ready to see me in planning mode, lol!  We also still have our anniversary/baby moon trip at the end of the month in Charleston, so excited for that!

And now for the Bump Pic!

Next week is a BIG week, so be sure to tune in!

Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Awe! I can't wait to see you... I will warn you though, I love poking pregnant bellies!!!

  2. You look great!! We need to have a girls' night soon!!
