Hi All!
Yep, behind just a couple of days again, and that's ok. :)
Dean had his blood work done earlier this month, We were a bit anxious; this was the longest time in between visits for blood work that we've experienced. Having gone a full month, I personally was nervous and anxious to know how he was doing.
As soon as he saw the nurse come into the area with the blood work caddy, he started crying. They tried to take his blood with John holding him, but Dean was having none of it! It wasn't his normal nurse, so we explained we usually take him into an actual room and lay him on the table. That worked out better, but Dean was still mad. I suppose he thought, as long in between visits we had, that he didn't have to have it done anymore. Poor thing :( He was still a trooper, and they were able to get his blood on the second try.
We got his results later that evening. While he was still in normal ranges for all his electrolytes, some areas were lower than the time before while others were higher. Dean's pediatrician explained everything, and informed us that these numbers may not hold cause for alarm from Dean's ped endo. He was right. The next week we got a call from Dean's ped endo nurse saying everything looked ok. I asked about his lower glucose level, but she couldn't explain anything, just restated that the ped endo said everything looked ok. I'm so thankful for Dean's pediatrician who, along with me, also monitors all the numbers.
Aside from his levels being in normal range, Dean is continuing to develop quite nicely! He's able to roll onto his side (from his back) while on the floor, and is working diligently to finish rolling onto his stomach. He did it once in his crib: He screamed during his morning nap and when I went in to check on him, he was flipped on his stomach! He gets mad being on his stomach (which makes tummy time a chore), lol! He's also grabbing at objects and sticking them in his mouth, and he loves playing with his baby rings and playmat. I feel like he smiles constantly, which is understandable coming from such a happy baby! He loves to coo and "talk," to which we have endless entertainment together. :)
Noticed in my last couple of posts I haven't given much an update about me. Which is understandable; I've had the baby, my time in the spotlight is up ;-) Overall, I feel wonderful! When I went in for my 8-week post-baby checkup, I was only 2 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Awesome, right!? Well, that very same number looks and feels different post-pregnancy, lol! I'm slowly getting back into my exercise routine. I've started on Saturdays to at at least walk 2 miles, and run for half. My next goal is to get back into Zumba, which always gives a great cardio workout! Once I get back into a Zumba routine, my next goal is to run a 5k this Fall. There's a 5k thisclose to my house in September, it's the Color Run, and I really really really really really really REEEEEALLY want to run it! But, we have a wedding to go to that day, and I just don't feel I'll be in the shape I want to be by then. There are plenty of 5k's this Fall, and I'm sure I can do at least one of them.
Now, what you've all waited for, the 4 month pic!
I mean, my gracious, how can you look at this picture and NOT smile!? John and I have so much fun taking him out with us. Gizmo has a blast with him too. It'll be fun once Dean's walking around to watch the two of them play together.
Oh, Gizmo. He's apparently suffering from a little separation anxiety. I feel part of it is from where I was home on leave, and he got used to me being there. And the other, I feel he's feeling separated from Dean. He's always around Dean when we're all at home. But when I leave to take Dean to parents', Gizmo has to go to his crate. About a month ago, Gizmo broke out of his crate. We tried to fix it, tried blocking him from getting out, etc. But nothing worked. I read where dogs do then when they feel separation anxiety. That, and we've also had a lot of storms, and he's terrified of storms. This past weekend we bought him another crate and a toy for us to put treats and peanut butter in so he can keep himself busy. We'll see how this works.
Oh, I do have to tell you a cute story! John, Dean, and I went over to Nick and April's the other night for dinner. They have a little boy, Eli, who will be 2 in about 3 months (oh, wow!!), and is just the cutest thing! Anyway, Dean was getting fussy because he was both hungry and tired. While Nick was holding him, Eli went up to Dean, patted Dean's leg and head, and put Dean's paci in his mouth while saying, in his compassionate little boy voice, "Paci!" It was so sweet! Dean took his paci and calmed for a little bit. Eli was probably like, "hey cousin, I know what you're going through, been there myself, and this'll make it better." And it did. :D
Have a wonderful day!