Greetings and salutations!
I’m so ready to move back to California…lol! I’m definitely not a cold-weather girl (which is why you won’t see me out skiing), and this cold weather here has been
crazy! Last week it was the snow; this
past week was the ice! We had an ice storm come through Friday, and with our
below freezing temperatures, stayed with us through most of the day
yesterday. Thankfully, I was able to
work from home Friday so I didn’t have to get out in it. John had to go in, but thankfully his work closed early so he could come
home before the afternoon rush.
Temperatures have gotten back up above freezing (will be near 70 on
Tuesday!) before the freeze comes again on Friday, accompanied by, yes, more snow. Sheesh!
We had our breast feeding class this past Monday. Only 2 dudes in the class, John being one of
them, lol! We got a lot of great
information out of the class, and I’m glad John will be there to support me
when the time comes.
Let’s see…I’ve also been a bit under the weather this past
week :( Stinks when you’re preggo and are very
limited to meds. It’s been mostly a
sinus-thing. Thank goodness for
Ellen! She came over for our doula
appointment on Wednesday, and was able to drain out my sinuses. I felt so much better Thursday! Still have a little bit lingering, but am
feeling so much better!
Update on the baby-middle-name drama…it has been
chosen! There was still a little
back-and-forth for a while there, but we fist-bumped on it this morning in
church, so it has to be official.
Especially since now it’ll be on Facebook :) Dean’s middle name is Matthew. Dean Matthew Martin! Yay!
So glad to have that decided lol!
On to the update!
Size: Cantaloupe! (Mmmm...really wish cantaloupes were in season right now). Dean weighs about 4.75 pounds and is almost
18 inches long.
Physical Features: Fat
layers are filling him out, making Dean rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing, and
Dean’s lungs are continuing to mature as well.
How I’m Feeling: For
the sake of being repetitive, from here on out let’s just assume I’m tired :) That’s one second trimester item I was really
wishing I had gotten back, yet never did.
Anyway, other than that still feeling pretty great overall! Feet are a little swollen by the end of the day, so I'll be resting as I can once I get home from work.
What I’m Thankful For: Dean’s stretches. Laying down the other night he stretched like
he never had before, causing me to yelp!
John didn't know what was happening; thought maybe labor was starting,
lol! But I love all of Dean’s movements,
as a reminder he’s doing well in there.
But he needs to stay there for 6 more weeks!
Appointments and Upcoming Events: Another doctor’s appointment on
Wednesday. And a baby shower on
Saturday! :D I’m so excited; it’s going to
be a great week!!!
The bump pic!
There he is, in all his glory. Tossing and turning at night is proving to get a bit challenging, but doesn't seem to be bothering John too much :)
Have a great week everyone!