Oh gracious, I can't believe these last 3 weeks have gone by so fast! Travel does that :) Had a good week last week in the around-Knoxville area. This week I'll be in Knoxville more (with a dip over to Pigeon Forge, hello outlets!), so it should be great as well!
Week 17
Size: Baby Martin is roughly the size of a turnip! Around 5 oz and 5 inches from head to bottom :)
Physical Features: Baby Martin's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and it's umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. It can also move it's joints, and the sweat glands are starting to develop.
What I Miss: My regular clothes. Last travel season I bought all these dresses (on clearance!) to wear for this year, since dresses are easy to pack. So they're just sitting in the closet, awaiting the next time I'm able to wear them. But that leads me into...
What I'm Thankful For: ...Maternity clothes! Oh gracious, how I love maternity pants, lol! Very thankful that Amy, April, and Alex have helped me in this venture by letting me borrow some of their maternity clothes. I appreciate it more than I can express in words. Plus, I'm very happy to have stretchy pants for Thanksgiving :D
Cravings: I had a soda yesterday. I know, right? It just sounded really good, so I had one. And it was really good :) In case you're not aware, I cut out soda about 10 years ago. Every once in a while I have one, and, except for the ginger ale to ease some of my early nausea, I hadn't had any yet this pregnancy.
Overall feelings: Great! Physically exhausted. And my legs have been sore lately. Think that's a combo of the pregnancy and travel. Once I'm finished and am able to rest for a while, I'm hopeful to regain my energy. Since I am feeling good, I'm going to start reincorporating exercise. Taking it easy, I promise :)
I'm also feeling very overwhelmed at by how much we are not prepared yet, which I know every new parents feels at some point. I haven't thought of anything for the nursery, because 1). still not sure what we're having, and 2). I'm still hopeful we'll sell the condo and buy a house. So, if you're thinking about asking me if we have certain items, or if I've picked a theme yet...don't worry about asking just yet :)
Appointments and Upcoming Events: Still waiting for Oct. 15 to come around, so we'll find out if Baby Martin is a boy or girl! Also, my work event for this coming Saturday has been cancelled, so I'm looking forward to a day to relax (maybe start planning? Yeah, we'll see). And I have a massage the following Saturday. Plus our anniversary trip at the end of the month. I LOVE October!
I'm going to forgo the weekly bump picture, since I haven't worn make up today.
No, I'm serious...
I'm just kidding :) but don't say I didn't warn you.
Here it is!:
Shew, it's time to fall asleep on the couch. April, my sis-in-law, and I resumed Zumba today. Which is great, but it's tiring after a long absence, lol!
More updates next time! Have an excellent week!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Sweet Week 16!
And we're back to the Sunday post! So happy having another week of Baby Martin growing inside me :)
Last week traveling around central North Carolina went well. Did everything the doctor told me to do to get as much rest as possible. Even in doing that, I was still exhausted by the end of each day. Thankfully, being that tired helped me to sleep pretty well :) I also had an attack of allergies :( Thankfully the worst of it only lasted Wednesday through Thursday night.
I've taken out the Aversions category, since those are all gone, and have replaced it with a new one: What I'm Thankful For. This category is in addition to the constant gratefulness I feel for our little one. Yay for baby!
On to the updates!
Size: Avocado baby! 4.5 inches long and 3.5 ounces. In the next few weeks, Baby Martin will double in weight and add inches to length!
Physical Features: Baby Martin's legs are much more developed, its head is more erect and the eyes have moved closer to the front of it's little heard. Baby Martin also has toenails!
What I Miss: Energy. I hear how all these women either got their energy back, or it came in full-force in their second trimester. While I'm thankful all the sickness of first trimester is gone, it would be nice to have some energy to go along with the well-feeling. :) I'll take what I can get!
What I'm Thankful For: Modern technology! Being away traveling isn't just physically exhausting, it's emotionally tiring as well. As each day goes by, I can see the changes that I've been feeling in my body, and it's difficult to be away from John during this time. Which is why I am so happy for FaceTime! We get to "see" each other every night, and it gives John a chance to see and talk to his precious little one. It's the glimmer of light each day during travel season.
Cravings: Still mainly fruits and veggies.
Overall feeling: Physically I'm feeling great! The next couple of weeks at work are trying to stress on me, so I'll be glad when October 7 rolls around.
Appointments and Coming Events: Just waiting around for October 15, so we'll find out if Baby Martin is a Boy or a Girl! Got another week of travel this week, going around the north of Knoxville area (with a stop in Chattanooga). Glad I'll be closer to home this week!
Time for the Bump Pic!
And we're back to the Sunday post! So happy having another week of Baby Martin growing inside me :)
Last week traveling around central North Carolina went well. Did everything the doctor told me to do to get as much rest as possible. Even in doing that, I was still exhausted by the end of each day. Thankfully, being that tired helped me to sleep pretty well :) I also had an attack of allergies :( Thankfully the worst of it only lasted Wednesday through Thursday night.
I've taken out the Aversions category, since those are all gone, and have replaced it with a new one: What I'm Thankful For. This category is in addition to the constant gratefulness I feel for our little one. Yay for baby!
On to the updates!
Size: Avocado baby! 4.5 inches long and 3.5 ounces. In the next few weeks, Baby Martin will double in weight and add inches to length!
Physical Features: Baby Martin's legs are much more developed, its head is more erect and the eyes have moved closer to the front of it's little heard. Baby Martin also has toenails!
What I Miss: Energy. I hear how all these women either got their energy back, or it came in full-force in their second trimester. While I'm thankful all the sickness of first trimester is gone, it would be nice to have some energy to go along with the well-feeling. :) I'll take what I can get!
What I'm Thankful For: Modern technology! Being away traveling isn't just physically exhausting, it's emotionally tiring as well. As each day goes by, I can see the changes that I've been feeling in my body, and it's difficult to be away from John during this time. Which is why I am so happy for FaceTime! We get to "see" each other every night, and it gives John a chance to see and talk to his precious little one. It's the glimmer of light each day during travel season.
Cravings: Still mainly fruits and veggies.
Overall feeling: Physically I'm feeling great! The next couple of weeks at work are trying to stress on me, so I'll be glad when October 7 rolls around.
Appointments and Coming Events: Just waiting around for October 15, so we'll find out if Baby Martin is a Boy or a Girl! Got another week of travel this week, going around the north of Knoxville area (with a stop in Chattanooga). Glad I'll be closer to home this week!
Time for the Bump Pic!
Yay, Baby!
Have a great week everyone!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Week 15!
YAY! It's Week 15! Almost...!
I'm "cheating" a little more this week on the Baby Martin update. Gotta head out to Raleigh first thing in the morning.
First week of travel went well! Was absolutely exhausted by the end though. Still, it's better for my sanity than being stuck in the office. I do ask that you please keep me in your prayers as I travel. It's a little rougher on the body than I remember (guess because this year, I'm preggers... :)
Had my monthly doctor's appointment yesterday. Baby is doing well. Heartbeat is 158, cultures all came back well. Blood pressure was a little low (could be because of the exhaustion). Doctor was a little concerned that I had lost just a little over a pound from my last appointment, and the strain of travel. Trust me people, I am eating like every 2 hours. The loss could come from my fruit and veggie cravings, since those are what I'm eating the most of. Time to incorporate some more meat! He also gave me instructions for traveling: stop every 1.5-2 hours to take a bathroom break and walk around for 10 mins, put my feet up when I get to the hotel, and sit when I need to during fairs. Can do!
Update time!
Size: Navel orange, 4 inches long and weighing 2.5 oz.
Physical Features: Baby Martin's legs are growing longer than its arms now, and it's able to move all the tiny joints and limbs! Baby can now sense light, even though the eyelids are still fused shut. Taste buds are also starting to form.
What I Miss: Nothing! Thankful that I'm feeling great, and for this little baby growing inside me!
Aversions: Re: above. So glad to not have any aversions now. Praying it stays this way!
Cravings: Carrots. Yes, carrots. They are so yummy right now. And thankfully those are a staple on any veggie tray at college fairs.
Overall feelings: Great and blessed. Met a lady yesterday who is 24 weeks, and she's still dealing with sickness. I pray her sickness will subside, and I'm glad that my body is feeling and doing great.
Appointments and Upcoming Events: October 15 is the big day...we'll find out if Baby Martin is a Boy or a Girl! That'll be a great anniversary gift. Then on October 26 John and I are heading to Charleston, SC for an anniversary trip. October's a great month! :D
Now the Bump Pic!
Instead of the usual blue top, we went with the Orange and White in support of Game Day! Thought it might bring the Vols luck, but they lost. Oh well, we tried :)
Have a great week!
I'm "cheating" a little more this week on the Baby Martin update. Gotta head out to Raleigh first thing in the morning.
First week of travel went well! Was absolutely exhausted by the end though. Still, it's better for my sanity than being stuck in the office. I do ask that you please keep me in your prayers as I travel. It's a little rougher on the body than I remember (guess because this year, I'm preggers... :)
Had my monthly doctor's appointment yesterday. Baby is doing well. Heartbeat is 158, cultures all came back well. Blood pressure was a little low (could be because of the exhaustion). Doctor was a little concerned that I had lost just a little over a pound from my last appointment, and the strain of travel. Trust me people, I am eating like every 2 hours. The loss could come from my fruit and veggie cravings, since those are what I'm eating the most of. Time to incorporate some more meat! He also gave me instructions for traveling: stop every 1.5-2 hours to take a bathroom break and walk around for 10 mins, put my feet up when I get to the hotel, and sit when I need to during fairs. Can do!
Update time!
Size: Navel orange, 4 inches long and weighing 2.5 oz.
Physical Features: Baby Martin's legs are growing longer than its arms now, and it's able to move all the tiny joints and limbs! Baby can now sense light, even though the eyelids are still fused shut. Taste buds are also starting to form.
What I Miss: Nothing! Thankful that I'm feeling great, and for this little baby growing inside me!
Aversions: Re: above. So glad to not have any aversions now. Praying it stays this way!
Cravings: Carrots. Yes, carrots. They are so yummy right now. And thankfully those are a staple on any veggie tray at college fairs.
Overall feelings: Great and blessed. Met a lady yesterday who is 24 weeks, and she's still dealing with sickness. I pray her sickness will subside, and I'm glad that my body is feeling and doing great.
Appointments and Upcoming Events: October 15 is the big day...we'll find out if Baby Martin is a Boy or a Girl! That'll be a great anniversary gift. Then on October 26 John and I are heading to Charleston, SC for an anniversary trip. October's a great month! :D
Now the Bump Pic!
Instead of the usual blue top, we went with the Orange and White in support of Game Day! Thought it might bring the Vols luck, but they lost. Oh well, we tried :)
Have a great week!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Week 14
It's Week 14!!! Well...not yet, technically...
I start travel season this week (here I come, Asheville!), so instead of trying to post updates on Mondays while I'm out on the road, I'm going to "cheat" a little and make my posts on Sundays. It's cool, no one will every know the difference :)
I've been one week with no morning sickness, YAY! Energy still isn't back to where I want it, but at least I can get myself up and out of bed every morning. This will definitely be an interesting travel season...
On to the updates!
Size: Lemon Baby! Measuring around 3.5 inches long.
Physical Features: Baby Martin is developing its liver, kidneys, and spleen. Also, it's developing an ultra-fine, downy layer of hair, called lanugo.
What I Miss: Eating what I want. Do understand that Baby Martin is hungry, but is apparently a picky eater like John :) So even if a night of Mexican sounds wonderful to me if Baby Martin doesn't want it, then momma's not having it.
Aversions: Are subsiding! YES!!!
Cravings: Still mainly fruit. I thought I wanted a donut today. I ate it, and it wasn't what I wanted. Came home to cantaloupe, and that was delicious. Very happy for fruit!
Overall Feelings: Tired. But as I said before, I'm thankful I can get out of bed in the morning and (for the most part) function throughout the day. And I'm blessed to have a wonderful support group of family, friends, and my wonderful husband who help me.
Appointments and Coming Events: Next appointment is this Friday. Think I mentioned last time that it should be on Monday, but I'll be out of town. Mainly looking forward to my next appointment in October, when we find out if Baby Martin is a Boy or Girl!
And now for the bump pic!
Have I mentioned how much I'm loving maternity pants!?!
Next week I'll give an update from my Dr appt, and how Week 1 of travel went :)
Have a great week!
I start travel season this week (here I come, Asheville!), so instead of trying to post updates on Mondays while I'm out on the road, I'm going to "cheat" a little and make my posts on Sundays. It's cool, no one will every know the difference :)
I've been one week with no morning sickness, YAY! Energy still isn't back to where I want it, but at least I can get myself up and out of bed every morning. This will definitely be an interesting travel season...
On to the updates!
Size: Lemon Baby! Measuring around 3.5 inches long.
Physical Features: Baby Martin is developing its liver, kidneys, and spleen. Also, it's developing an ultra-fine, downy layer of hair, called lanugo.
What I Miss: Eating what I want. Do understand that Baby Martin is hungry, but is apparently a picky eater like John :) So even if a night of Mexican sounds wonderful to me if Baby Martin doesn't want it, then momma's not having it.
Aversions: Are subsiding! YES!!!
Cravings: Still mainly fruit. I thought I wanted a donut today. I ate it, and it wasn't what I wanted. Came home to cantaloupe, and that was delicious. Very happy for fruit!
Overall Feelings: Tired. But as I said before, I'm thankful I can get out of bed in the morning and (for the most part) function throughout the day. And I'm blessed to have a wonderful support group of family, friends, and my wonderful husband who help me.
Appointments and Coming Events: Next appointment is this Friday. Think I mentioned last time that it should be on Monday, but I'll be out of town. Mainly looking forward to my next appointment in October, when we find out if Baby Martin is a Boy or Girl!
And now for the bump pic!
Have I mentioned how much I'm loving maternity pants!?!
Next week I'll give an update from my Dr appt, and how Week 1 of travel went :)
Have a great week!
Monday, September 3, 2012
It's the Baby Bloooooooggggg!!!!
Hello followers!
Right now, this is the Best of What's Around!
As I'm sure you all are aware, John and I are expecting our first child this coming March! We are so excited, and so to add to our excitement, I will be posting updates on my pregnancy in the all-new baby blog! I'll still from time to time venture off to other topics, as least that's the intention. So, for those of you interested in my pregnancy, enjoy!
John and I found out about our coming bundle of joy on July 3rd. We had only been trying since May (because I figured it would take awhile) I was unusually sick the night before, and John suspected pregnancy. I waited until the next morning (because "they" say it's best to test in the am), and sure enough, it immediately turned positive! I waited for John to come downstairs (as neither of us slept that night, but he had to work and I didn't) so I could share the wonderful news. It was so funny, I told him the test said I was pregnant. His reaction: Are you serious? I had to show him the stick for it to really sink in. Right after he had to leave for work, and I'll always remember the text message he sent me when he got there: I love you, and I'm really excited!
After all the tests, at Week 8 we got to have our first ultrasound and hear the heartbeat! Never have I heard anything more amazing than at that moment, hearing life from our child for the first time.
That's our little baby!!!!!!
Moving right along...
We started taking bump pictures at Week 9:
Then we took another at Week 10:
Then...well...we didn't take any for a couple weeks. Let's see if there was a jump in growth between Week 10 and Week 13:
Yeah, I see a little bit there. That, or it's my dinner :D Thanks to my wonderful husband John for taking the Bump Pics!
Now, on to the updates!
(BTW, I'm borrowing the format from my SIL April, who borrowed it from Becky...thanks guys!)
13 Weeks
Size: Peach baby! About 3 inches long!
Physical Features: Baby Martin's vocal chords and teeth are developing. Baby is now approaching normal proportions, with the head now just 1/3 the size of its body.
What I Miss: I do kinda miss the nightly cravings. For a few weeks, I would wake up at all hours of the night just starving! But even though I missed out on sleep, I know it was my body telling me to take care of itself and the baby. The last couple of nights, I've not woken up hungry during the night, and I can tell a difference in the morning...it takes me longer to get going because of the weakness I feel. I need to remember when I do get up to go to the bathroom, I need to have a little snack as well.
Aversions: It depends. There isn't anything that comes to mind, but it usually has to present itself. For example: One night I made spaghetti for dinner (YUM!). Didn't clean the pan that night (too lazy), so the next morning when I came downstairs I could smell the sauce, and it nearly made me sick. It's the weirdest thing.
Cravings: FRUIT! I've always loved fruit, but now I feel my body crave for it. Especially strawberries, cantaloupe, blueberries, bananas, and apples.
Overall feelings: Pretty good! I've noticed changes, such as the breakouts I've had (gross!), and the mornings tend to be rough (re:above), but other than that, I'm still maintaining physical activity which I'm sure has helped me to feel good. Being in the second trimester now, I'm awaiting the "glorious day" everyone keeps telling me about, how I'll feel better than I ever have. In the meantime, I'll keep up my activity, and rest when my body tells me to do so.
Appointments and Coming Events: Next appointment is Friday, Sept. 14. It should be Monday, Sept. 17, but I'll be in the midst of travel season. Yep, travel this year should be interesting. I'm anticipating a lot of doors being held open for me, and reps offering to help me get material out of my car (as it's already happened). I will say my road friends are awesome, and have already started keeping an eye out for me. Anyway, we'll get to find out what Baby Martin is at the next appointment, in October. Looking forward to that one!
That's all for now, until next week!
Right now, this is the Best of What's Around!
As I'm sure you all are aware, John and I are expecting our first child this coming March! We are so excited, and so to add to our excitement, I will be posting updates on my pregnancy in the all-new baby blog! I'll still from time to time venture off to other topics, as least that's the intention. So, for those of you interested in my pregnancy, enjoy!
John and I found out about our coming bundle of joy on July 3rd. We had only been trying since May (because I figured it would take awhile) I was unusually sick the night before, and John suspected pregnancy. I waited until the next morning (because "they" say it's best to test in the am), and sure enough, it immediately turned positive! I waited for John to come downstairs (as neither of us slept that night, but he had to work and I didn't) so I could share the wonderful news. It was so funny, I told him the test said I was pregnant. His reaction: Are you serious? I had to show him the stick for it to really sink in. Right after he had to leave for work, and I'll always remember the text message he sent me when he got there: I love you, and I'm really excited!
After all the tests, at Week 8 we got to have our first ultrasound and hear the heartbeat! Never have I heard anything more amazing than at that moment, hearing life from our child for the first time.
Here's the ultrasound!
That's our little baby!!!!!!
Moving right along...
We started taking bump pictures at Week 9:
Then we took another at Week 10:
![]() |
(Eck, that was a humid day :) ) |
Yeah, I see a little bit there. That, or it's my dinner :D Thanks to my wonderful husband John for taking the Bump Pics!
Now, on to the updates!
(BTW, I'm borrowing the format from my SIL April, who borrowed it from Becky...thanks guys!)
13 Weeks
Size: Peach baby! About 3 inches long!
Physical Features: Baby Martin's vocal chords and teeth are developing. Baby is now approaching normal proportions, with the head now just 1/3 the size of its body.
What I Miss: I do kinda miss the nightly cravings. For a few weeks, I would wake up at all hours of the night just starving! But even though I missed out on sleep, I know it was my body telling me to take care of itself and the baby. The last couple of nights, I've not woken up hungry during the night, and I can tell a difference in the morning...it takes me longer to get going because of the weakness I feel. I need to remember when I do get up to go to the bathroom, I need to have a little snack as well.
Aversions: It depends. There isn't anything that comes to mind, but it usually has to present itself. For example: One night I made spaghetti for dinner (YUM!). Didn't clean the pan that night (too lazy), so the next morning when I came downstairs I could smell the sauce, and it nearly made me sick. It's the weirdest thing.
Cravings: FRUIT! I've always loved fruit, but now I feel my body crave for it. Especially strawberries, cantaloupe, blueberries, bananas, and apples.
Overall feelings: Pretty good! I've noticed changes, such as the breakouts I've had (gross!), and the mornings tend to be rough (re:above), but other than that, I'm still maintaining physical activity which I'm sure has helped me to feel good. Being in the second trimester now, I'm awaiting the "glorious day" everyone keeps telling me about, how I'll feel better than I ever have. In the meantime, I'll keep up my activity, and rest when my body tells me to do so.
Appointments and Coming Events: Next appointment is Friday, Sept. 14. It should be Monday, Sept. 17, but I'll be in the midst of travel season. Yep, travel this year should be interesting. I'm anticipating a lot of doors being held open for me, and reps offering to help me get material out of my car (as it's already happened). I will say my road friends are awesome, and have already started keeping an eye out for me. Anyway, we'll get to find out what Baby Martin is at the next appointment, in October. Looking forward to that one!
That's all for now, until next week!
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