Saturday, June 2, 2012

I promise I love my blog...

Hello!  I have missed you!!!

Wow...poor blog.  You've been so neglected.  It's not you, it's me.  I don't have any excuses, just reasons as to why I've been so busy lately :)

Alright, let's start with March: I was offered a new job working for King College.  The weeks leading up to my last day at Tusculum were...well...eventful.  There was packing up my office (2 Pampered Chef boxes worth, thank you Joy and Kayla), wrapping up my old territory, preparing the student ambassador group for the following year, and so on and so on.  And of course, saying goodbye to friends.  The most difficult goodbye I had to make was to one of my best friends, Becky.  I am so thankful that for 3 years I had the privilege of working along-side her, us getting to share our days with each other.  Thank goodness for technology, as we still get to share the goings-on in each others' lives.  Just in a different capacity :)

So, right after that breakdown, John and I went to California :)  I'll leave that to another post, as I promise you it warrants its own posting.  Once we got back from Cali I immediately started working at King.  For those that know me...I hate being the new person.  I like to be that person who contributes.  And I know in being new there's that "window," but I don't want the window, I want to know it all now.  And that's tiring.  I have to say, the team I work with at King is amazing, and my transition has gone very smoothly.  I am so thankful to work with such awesome people, who have answered every question and have helped me in so many ways that I quickly became a part of the family.

Not long after I started at King, John and I (finally!!!) decided it was time to sell the condo.  We got with a Realtor and got our condo on the market.  This has been a huge step for us.  We've talked forever about getting a house, a place with space and a great kitchen, but that's all it ever was- talk.  Now we were finally taking action towards what it is we want.  It's been on the market now for about a month, I suppose. So, if you know anyone looking for a condo in Gray, send me a message :)

But wait people, there's more!  John was able to get some additional time off from work this month, and even though I'm new in my office, I was able to get a couple days myself.  In going along with this more action-less just talking about it, we decided we're going to take another trip this year.  I know, at first I felt weird about taking another "vacation" after just having gotten back from Cali.  That feeling lasted all of 0.68 seconds.  How blessed are we to be given this opportunity to travel!  So, next week, John and I are going to New York City!!!  I can't tell you how excited I am.  John's been before, but I haven't yet.  Do we know what all we're doing yet?  Nope.  I'm taking a page from Napoleon's Battle Plan: first we'll so up, then we'll see what happens (any 'Sports Night' fans out there?  Anybody?  Anybody?  Bueller?)

In essence, blog, this is why you have been neglected.  I promise to do better.  And I will, I still have my Cali trip to blog, and I know I'll have plenty to talk about from NYC.

So until then, love to all!